Open Access Subset

The PMC (PubMed Central) Open Access Subset is a relatively small part of the total collection of articles in PMC. Articles in the PMC Open Access Subset are still protected by copyright, but are made available under a Creative Commons or similar license that generally allows more liberal redistribution and reuse than a traditional copyrighted work. Please refer to the license statement in each article for specific terms of use. The license terms are not identical for all articles in this subset

Course: How to use an online open access notebook

ScienceOnline open access NoteBook

Scifund 201 – Open Notebook Science: Enhance your research through open access note taking.

Cost: FREE. However, we aren’t just giving this course away. Course participants must pledge to share what they have learned with their colleagues.

When: June 17 – 30, 2013 (two weeks)

Where: The Internet! This course will be a highly interactive community effort and will take place largely through Google+ and WordPress blogs. Who: Active research scientists in any country in any discipline at any level (from graduate student to emeritus professor to government scientist to NGO scientist). This course is intended to introduce open access into the research environment. What course participants will gain from the course:
  • An understanding of open philosophy and how it pertains to research.

  • Experience publishing your notes openly, which encourages responsible lab behavior, develops writing and communication skills, and can supplement your outreach efforts.

  • Benefits of electronic note taking such as search, easy organization, and real-time access for collaborators and lab mates (as well as yourself).

Time that course participants should expect to spend on course: The course is broken down into 4 modules (roughly one every three days) and will require 1-2 hours to complete each module. Expect 3-4 hours of time dedicated to the course each week. Deadline for completing course application: June 12. To keep the class size reasonable, course participants will need to fill out a brief application form. Decisions on applications will be given by June 14. Requirements for course participants. Course participants must:
  1. be fluent in written and spoken English

  2. have access to a computer with a webcam

  3. have access to the Internet (with speeds capable of video chatting)

  4. want to have fun and willing to share their research with the world.

Course instructors:

  • Anthony Salvagno, Biophysicist, University of New Mexico, open notebook curator

  • Jai Ranganathan, Conservation Biologist, University of California, Santa Barbara. Co-founder, SciFund Challenge.

Publishers offer their “solution” to public access

CHORUS (for ClearingHouse for the Open Research of the United Status) is clearly an effort on the part of publishers to minimize the savings that will ultimately accrue to the federal government, other funders and universities from public access policies. If CHORUS is adopted, publishers will without a doubt try to fold the costs of creating and maintaining the system into their subscription/site license charges – the routinely ask libraries to pay for all of their “value added” services. Thus not only would potential savings never materialize, the government would end up paying the costs of CHORUS indirectly.
Michael Eisen. Blog. See also this skeptical post and this list of assembled links.

Happy 9th Birthday to the Open Knowledge Foundation!

Global Research Council: Action Plan towards Open Access to Publications

Open data and open access – what society loses when knowledge is offline

Platforms: access, participation and publishing

Three arguments for open access. Today!

Open access in the Arab world: Sulieman AlShuhri and the Arab Initiatives of Open Access

FUTURE OF OPEN SCIENCE : Futurium – European Commission: Co-create the Future.


ICSU, International Council for Science consults membership on open access